Secondary & Practice Guides: Statutory Construction & Interpretation

Statutes and statutory construction (Sutherland statutory construction), 7th ed. Norman J. Singer and J.D. Shambie Singer. (Thomson/West, 2007- ) KF 425 .S56 2007 & Westlaw subscription database (ID/password required)*

Statutes in court: the history and theory of statutory interpretation. William D. Popkin. (Duke University Press, 1999) KF 425 .P67 1999

Statutory interpretation: pragmatics and argumentation. Douglas Walton, et al. (Cambridge Univ. Press, c2021) K 290 .W35 2021

Statutory interpretation in the federal and state courts. Linda Jellum. Lexis subscription database (ID/password required)*

The theory and practice of statutory interpretation. Frank B. Cross. (Stanford Law Books, c2009) KF 425 .C76 2009